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Our Journey

20+ Years of Brewing Passion


Pig Barn Brewery isn't just a name; it's the culmination of over two decades of brewing expertise. Founded and operated by a dedicated solo brewer, our story began with a love for crafting exceptional ales. For more than 20 years, our brewmaster honed his skills, creating unique and unforgettable brews. The brewery is at our home (a converted piggery) hence Pig Barn Brewery.

Meeting High Demand


Word quickly spread about the exceptional quality of our ales. As demand increased, we faced a delightful challenge: keeping up with the thirst of craft beer enthusiasts. To meet this demand, we embarked on a journey of growth and innovation.

March 2020: Going Commercial


March 2020, marked the birth of Pig Barn Brewery as a commercial venture. With unwavering determination, our solo brewer decided to share his craft with the world. The brewery started producing 90 litres per brew day, using a method known as "brew in the bag." At that time, we believed that we might be the smallest brewery in all of England.

April 2023: Upscaling for the Future


In April 2023, we took a significant leap forward. Recognising the need to expand our brewing capacity, we invested in larger equipment enabling us to produce up to 400 litres per brew day. This expansion allowed us to keep pace with our growing demand from a loyal community of craft ale lovers.

What Remains Unchanged


Despite the growth, our core values and commitment to quality are unwavering. Our beers still represent the best of the Isle of Axholme, and every sip tells a story of passion, craftsmanship, and dedication.

Join Us on the Journey


As Pig Barn Brewery continues to grow, we invite you to be a part of our journey and enjoy our diverse range of craft ales . Here's to our past, our present, and an exciting future that awaits us.


Cheers to the shared love of exceptional beer!

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